2023-05-02 11:33Bloggpost

Mother-in-law giving name to Hernö Gin's copper still. Meet Marit.

A world of gin enthusiasts already know Marit as the woman with her name on Hernö Gins second copper still.

A world of gin enthusiasts already know Marit as the woman with her name on Hernö Gins second copper still. Jon Hillgren’s mother-in-law has had a quite comprehensive and well-known copper still named after her. This is a huge mark of honor and a sign of the fact that her son-in-law must like her, she thinks. Together with her life partner Gunnar, Marit plays an important role in the story of Hernö Gin.

– When my daughter Johanna told me that her husband wanted to name his second still Marit, she asked me if I would take offense. On the contrary I replied. I was very happy that he wanted to name his new still after me, since mothers-in-law are not always so very popular. We have a great relationship me and Jon, indeed. And my first thought was that this must be an approval and that he must like me, Marit remembers.

How to live a long and happy life, according to Marit.
Marit is today 85 years young. A spirited woman radiating happiness and positive energy. Her advice for how to live a long and happy life is to do things that thrills. Like taking the boat from Gothenburg together with a close friend at the age of sixteen to work as an au-pair in another country. Experience things. Today the best experience in Marit’s life is to take the camper and travel to Dala to spend time with her grandchildren. And her method seem to work, Marit is a healthy woman.

A world of gin enthusiasts already know Marit as the woman with her name on Hernö Gins second copper still.

– My back gives me some trouble once in a while, but that’s all. And you have to face a few signs of age after all, she says.

Marit met her life partner Gunnar in older days and with great certainity a big part of her joy of life comes from the loving relationship they seem to have. The harmony between them is obvious and you could touch the energy they share.

– Gunnar and I met during a group trip with a Swedish forestry company. I had recently lost my husband and Gunnar was a widower. We travelled nine different countries, visited woods and factories together and since then we are one, Marit smiles.

Gunnar about the joy of working together with Jon.
Gunnar is the handyman that is always in motion, eager to get things done. When he is visiting Dala together with Marit, Hernö Gins visitors with great probability meet him while managing the outdoor environment, doing carpentry, performing maintenance and fixing stuff.

– I helped the carpenter with the extension of the distillery, the area that is today a small bar and a shop, he remembers.

Gunnar is a man of the kind that just loves to work. And to work together with Jon is extra fun he thinks.

– He is full of fun, Jon. We exchange pranks, jokes and we laugh a lot together. I love all that, Gunnar tells.

Delivered Hernö Gin by car at the first launch.
At the time of the first launch of Hernö Gin in December 2012, Marit and Gunnar delivered gin to Systembolaget’s liquor stores in Kramfors and Härnösand.

– We drowe two cars filled to the limit with gin to Härnösand. To Kramfors that is situated further away from the distillery, we delivered a little bit less, he remembers.

What Gunnar and Marit thought about Jon’s quite odd idea to build Sweden’s first gin distillery and to start creating organic gin in 2011? They thought that it was a good idea and had full confidence in him to succeed.

– We were sure that he would make it. He is good at everything he does, that lad, they sum up. 

How Gunnar prefers his Hernö Gin: Gin & Tonic. If ice is available it’s great, otherwise it’s okay with a Gin & Tonic without ice, according to Gunnar.

How Marit prefers her Hernö Gin: Gin & Tonic with Hernö Pink BTL Gin. Ice is a must for Marit. She also likes Port, so a neat Hernö Sipping Gin 2022, matured on a Port Wine cask, in the company of Jon is also a great moment for her.

Om Hernö Gin

Hernö Gin is the world’s leading and most awarded craft gin producer. Proud pioneers who started the first gin distillery in Sweden back in 2011. It all began with a passion for the juniper predominant spirit and a dream evolving to gin crafting. A journey that took Hernö Gin’s founder Jon Hillgren to places and gin distilleries all around the world in his thirst for knowledge and search for inspiration. Finally settling in the small village of Dala just outside Härnösand in the High Coast of Sweden. Hernö Gin is crafting the world’s most awarded gins from natural organic botanicals in the hand hammered copper stills Kierstin, Marit and Yvonne. With a mindset of crafting, transparency in all parts of the process and total focus on quality, Hernö Gin intend to bring premium gin culture to every home.


Jon Hillgren
Jon Hillgren