Electronic pop artist Eleonor Leone is back with new music.
– Karma is about how thoughts can create a prison in your own mind.
Eleonor suffers from insomnia and often uses those sleepless nights to write her music, and her new song Karma is no exception. Which is very fitting with the song’s theme.
– Karma is seen as something good, that karma is given to those who deserve it. But karma can also be something to be scared of. You’re scared that karma could punish you, and that fear reaches new levels inside your own head.
The song is a hypnotic mantra, a self fulfilling prophecy on how paranoid thoughts can make you trapped in yourself.
– Long nights with this fear can make you feel like a prisoner in your own mind. This song wants to turn that fear to strength, until you can laugh that fear in the face.
Eleonore has always been writing songs, but it wasn’t until recently that she found her sound together with the producer Kenny KNY Lundström. Her music is captivating and current electronic pop with lyrics that are sure to make you think twice.
Karma is the first single from Eleonor Leone's upcoming EP. Besides being an artist Eleonor is also a Youtuber and influencer, with over 40 000 followers on TikTok. She is also part of the band Le Crash. Her music has been featured on multiple music sites in Sweden as well as in Rolling Stone India.
Listen to the song on Spotify here.
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