Gällivare's municipal council is a finalist for a prestigious global innovation award. The jury for the Innovation in Politics Awards has voted the municipality's work with Hybrit to the final in the category "economy" in which politicians in 25 countries are competing for an innovation award.
“To carry out such a large project as welcoming Hybrit requires good cooperation, something the municipal council has shown,” says Lisa Pelling of the Innovation in Politics Institute.
The first fossil-free steel industry demonstration facility will transform Sweden's steel and iron industry and facilitate the transition to a fossil-free society - in Sweden and globally. Now the municipal councillors Birgitta Larsson (s), Henrik Ölvebo (mp) and Jeanette Wäppling (v) are in the final of this prestigious competition. - The award goes to innovative and creative politicians. The award will highlight the work that elected representatives do daily and that can inspire other politicians, says Lisa Pelling of the Innovation in Politics Institute.
- I am extremely proud and pleased with the nomination. Gällivare will be the centre of the Green transition with the industry's major investment in fossil-free steel. This is unique, historic and a fantastic opportunity for Gällivare municipality. The positive effects of this are unimaginable and multifaceted, says Birgitta Larsson (s), municipal councillor.
- It feels great fun and an honour. Together with the business community, we have worked very hard to enable an establishment. From the beginning, we highlighted Gällivare’s strengths with its proximity to the ore, access to land and water and not least stable electricity production. HYBRIT's investment and LKAB's transformation is a step towards global leadership in the fossil-free mining and steel industry, says Henrik Ölvebo (mp), municipal councillor.
- We are very grateful to have been voted for this final. The historic investment in global change that is taking place in Gällivare provides jobs, development, confidence in the future and the opportunity to establish new industries, research and higher education, says Jeanette Wäppling (v), municipal councillor.
413 projects were submitted by politicians from across democratic party lines in 25 European countries to the Innovation in Politics Awards 2021. A jury of 1,032 European citizens has selected the 90 finalists. The results reveal an increasing variety of innovation in almost all areas of politics. The Covid crisis and the climate crisis are proving to be strong drivers of change in political work.
The Innovation in Politics Institute identifies, develops and applies innovations in politics and facilitates exchange across borders and party lines. Whether it’s saving lives, protecting jobs and the economy, or making school education possible with digital tools – in 2021, innovations in politics can be seen on all levels of politics and in all parties. The award ceremony will take place in Stockholm on 14 December, when it will be clear who will win the award from the ten finalists in the economy category.
Contact details:
Birgitta Larsson (s), +4672-59 88 475
Henrik Ölvebo (mp), +4673-065 22 47
Jeanette Wäppling (v), +4670-985 24 50
Gnistrande vinter, ljusa sommarnätter, tio minuter till allt. Gällivare ligger vackert inbäddat i ett enastående landskap 10 mil norr om polcirkeln. I kommunen bor ca 18 000 människor med närhet till arbete, service och natur. Här finns länsdelssjukhus, väl utbyggd barnomsorg, bra skolor, ett rikt föreningsliv och varierat kulturutbud. Vildmarken ger stora möjligheter till fritid och upplevelser utöver det vanliga, året runt. Från norrbottenskusten till Gällivare tar det ett par timmar med tåg eller bil och lite drygt det från Stockholm med dagliga flygförbindelser. Här finns en differentierad företagsamhet med gruvnäring av världsklass som huvudsaklig basnäring. Just nu bygger vi nya Gällivare i takt med att områden i Malmberget avvecklas. Tidernas största samhällsomvandling till följd av gruvnäringens fortsatta expansion. 250 000 nya kvadratmeter av bostäder, kommunala verksamheter och kommersiella lokaler ska byggas under de närmaste 15 åren.