2021-11-02 10:57News


In every situation, we strive to act responsibly, lawfully and in accordance with the ethical values of our company. If there are any irregularities in our activities, we want to know about them.

We have introduced a confidential notification channel service in our company, which allows our staff and stakeholders to safely report any misconduct they have perceived.

All notifications will be treated appropriately and confidentially. We will always protect the confidentiality of the identity of the notifying person, the person that is the subject of the notification and any other parties mentioned in the notification.

The notification channel can be accessed HERE.

Standard feedback, such as customer feedback and development ideas, should be sent via e-mail to forcit@forcit.fi.

About FORCIT Group

FORCIT is the first choice in Nordics for service and knowledge related to blasting, charging and environmental impact assessment, as well as a desired Insensitive Munitions technology partner globally. We have grown our expertise since 1893. FORCIT is built up by three business areas: FORCIT Explosives – the leading partner for civil explosives and related services. FORCIT Consulting – the consulting services partner offering a wide range of expertise, services and training for construction and excavation. FORCIT Defence – a trusted partner for high class insensitive munitions based defence systems for global markets. We co-operate closely with the mining industry and companies in the excavation and construction sectors. FORCIT Defence co-operate with defence forces and the defence industry. FORCITs turnover is appr. 150 million euros.