El Taco Truck is recalling the gluten free Corn Tortillas mentioned below after testing of the product indicated exceeding levels of gluten, which can cause serious allergic reactions for some consumers.
The recall applies to the product:
Corn Tortilla 195 g, 7350115945011.
Corn Tortilla is also part of the El Taco Kit, which has been sold via Team Forza (sports organisations and school classes) and via eltacotruck.se (in Sweden).
For safety reasons, El Taco Truck is not limiting the product recall to specific batches, but is urging all consumers of El Taco Truck Corn Tortillas who are sensitive to gluten (or for other reasons avoid gluten) to return the product to the store where it was purchased for compensation.
The El Taco Kit is returned to El Taco Truck. For compensation and information about El Taco Kit, contact El Taco Truck customer service at contact@eltacotruck.se.
If you have any questions, please can contact El Taco Truck customer service at contact@eltacotruck.se.
It's El Taco Truck's top priority that consumers can trust the high quality of our products. El Taco Truck regrets what has happened and the inconvenience caused by the recall of the Corn Tortilla. El Taco Truck has, together with the supplier, started an investigation to prevent it from happening again.
El Taco Trucks resa började 2012 som Sveriges första foodtruck. Genom att servera mexikanskt inspirerad mat fick Nikola Adamovic och Niklas Bolle snabbt en stark följarskara. Det blev startskottet för den foodtruck-trend som sedan följde i Sverige. Nikola och Bolle såg även möjligheterna i att lansera mexikanskt inspirerade matprodukter i dagligvaruhandeln och att omdefiniera vad vi idag kallar för "tex-mex". Idag har El Taco Truck expanderat och deras veganska produktlinje finns tillgänglig i alla stora matbutiker i Sverige, hos livsmedelskedjorna Kesko och SOK i Finland, hos Bilka, Føtex och Netto i Danmark samt i matbutiker på Island.