2016-04-20 09:01Pressmeddelande

Japanese Forest Energy and Cortus Energy has entered into a preliminary agreement on strategic cooperation

Forest Energy (Kuni Umi Biomass Inc.) and Cortus Energy has signed a preliminary agreement on joint projects for the lucrative Japanese market for electricity generation based on biomass.

Forest Energy owns and operates biomass power plants in Japan, current portfolio is today consisting of two projects totaling 25 MW of electricity. Forest Energy wants to expand the business further within the profitable 2 MWel level using modular 6 MW WoodRoll installations.

Cortus Energy develops and markets the unique WoodRoll technology for the gasification of biomass. WoodRoll is a new innovative gasification process that results in a number of unique advantages over all other existing gasification technology. The patented WoodRoll technology offer cost-effective green energy solutions for power, industrial and transportation applications.

"We now see an opening to the highly profitable Japanese market through cooperation with Forest Energy. We are particularly delighted at the Forest Energy's extensive evaluation process of several gasification technologies have led to the choice of Cortus Energy’s WoodRoll technology." says Rolf Ljunggren, CEO Cortus Energy.

Cortus Energy has developed the WoodRoll® process, a breakthrough technology for thermal gasification of biomass. WoodRoll® is based upon industrially proven sub systems that are combined into a unique and patented process.

Compared to other thermal gasification technologies WoodRoll® has a number of distinct advantages such as:

  • Feedstock flexibility: A wide mix of feedstock (biomass based fuel) can be handled and the mix can change over time to optimize (minimize) the cost of fuel. No pretreatment of the feedstock is needed as drying is an integrated part of the WoodRoll®
  • Highest thermal yield: Heat from high temperature process stages is recovered at process steps with a lower temperature level resulting in the highest thermal yield. Typically 80% of the energy from the feedstock (biomass) is converted into the syngas. If heat is recovered (to e.g. a district heating net) the thermal yield can be raised up to 90%.
  • Clean syngas: The impurities are separated from the part that is gasified and the gasification is based on indirect heating and using steam as oxidizing agent, all this results in a clean syngas. Consequently there is no need to add costly downstream gas cleaning equipment. Impurities are measured on ppm level and the syngas can be used directly in gas engines / gas turbines.
  • Composition of syngas: The syngas has a typical composition of: hydrogen 55-60%, carbon monoxide 25-30%, methane 1-2% and rest is carbon dioxide. The unique hydrogen – carbon monoxide relation (2:1) enables a cost effective hydrogen- and bio-methane (SNG) production.

All in all the advanatges of WoodRoll® means that both the investment (CAPEX) and operational (OPEX) costs can be reduced which enable competitive renewable energy solutions based upon the WoodRoll® technology.

Om Cortus Energy AB

Cortus Energy provide cost effective renewable energy gas for Power, Industrial and Transport applications based upon the patented WoodRoll® technology