Biogas is an interesting sector in the growing sector of renewable energy. And in order to share knowledge, extend networks and show good examples we in the project Baltic Biogas Circles are inviting all who are interested to join us in digital study trips to Estonia, Latvia and Poland.
Here you will get an introduction to the biogas sector in respective country as well as insight to different solutions and projects that are ongoing.
BALTIC BIOGAS CIRCLES is a project for next generation development in the biogas sector that will educate and inform individuals to promote the spread of knowledge about biogas and expansion of LNG (liquiefied natural gas) and CBG (compressed biogas) stations in the Baltic Sea region.
The project is funded by the Swedish Institute.
BioFuel Region är en medlemsägd icke-vinstdrivande organisation. Vi bidrar till en fossilfri fordonsflotta och en utvecklad bioekonomi genom att initiera, koordinera och samverka i projekt. Våra medlemmar finns i de fyra nordligaste länen och vi samarbetar med offentlig sektor, näringsliv samt forskning och utveckling. Finansieringen sker via medlemsavgifter, regionala medel och projektmedel och idag arbetar åtta personer i Umeå.