2018-11-19 08:41Press release

Alektum Group wins forward flow contract with Resurs Bank

Alektum Group, a Gothenburg based, family-owned company, which helps companies with cash flows in financing, risk management and debt collection, has signed an agreement with Resurs Bank.

The agreement is a so-called forward flow agreement where Alektum Group will buy debt portfolios of non-performing loans (NPLs) on a continuous basis from Resurs Bank.

“The award is a vote of confidence from Resurs Bank and confirms our sound expertise and competitiveness. Resurs Bank has been one of our most important customers for more than two decades, and we highly appreciate the opportunity to continue our good collaboration, and further strengthen our partnership with them”, said Jan Hedström, COO Debt Purchase at Alektum Group.  

For more information, please contact:

Jan Hedström, COO Debt Purchase
Jan.Hedstrom@alektumgroup.com, +46 708 32 18 06

Moa Tyborn, SVP Communications
Moa.Tyborn@alektumgroup.com, +46 739 22 23 46

About Alektum Group

Alektum Group is a Swedish, family-owned debt collection company founded in 1992. Our mission is to help businesses from all over Europe to reach their full potential and achieve sustainable cash-flow. We actively work with our customers to lower the risk of over-indebtedness. Through our knowledge, dedication and deeply rooted values, we aim to contribute to a healthier society. A society where everyone has the opportunity to maintain balanced personal finances and companies can rely on getting paid. We currently operate in 18 countries, with more than 650 employees and a turnover exceeding12 million EUR.


Moa Tyborn
Chief Communications and Marketing Officer
Moa Tyborn

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