Following the separation of Airsonett Operating Room Innovation AB from Airsonett AB, Erik von Schenck has been appointed the company´s new Chairman.
“Opragon® is a unique ventilation system and it is exciting to be part of forming the future of such an innovative product. My hope is that my experience in the Life Science field will benefit Airsonett ORI AB in a positive way and that we will see the product being accepted by a broader market in the near future” says Erik von Schenck.
Erik von Schenck has many years’ experience from working in the Medical Device and Life Science industry; most recently he joined Physio-Control as Vice President of CPR Products in February, 2011 following the acquisition of Jolife AB. He had served as CEO at Jolife AB for over six years. Erik spearheads design and development of new products for cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
Previously, Erik was the CEO of Jostra AB, and managed its integration into Getinge AB when the company was acquired. Before this he held several leading positions within Gambro AB. He has been working in the Life Science segment since 1991.
Erik is also active as board member of the Medical Device companies Xvivo AB, Sensodetect AB and Captera Medtech AB.
Airsonett ORI AB is a research based medical device company with a unique technology pioneering the decrease of airborne bacteria and virus contamination in health care premises, primarily in operating theatres. The company’s most important product is Opragon. The company is based in Medicon Village, Lund, Sweden.
”Opragon is a relatively new product and we have in a short time established it in Sweden. We have also installed Opragon in a number of hospitals in Europe. In 2012 the legal entity Airsonett ORI AB was formed and Opragon was separated from Airsonett AB.” says Airsonett ORI AB’s CEO Peter Ekolind.
For more information about Airsonett ORI AB and Opragon, please contact:
Peter Ekolind, CEO, Airsonett Operating Room Innovation AB, Medicon Village, Scheelevägen 2, SE-223 63 Lund, Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)703 415560, e-mail:,
Airsonett® är ett svenskt medicintekniskt företag som är ledande inom icke-farmakologisk behandling av patienter med allergisk svår, okontrollerad astma och eksem. Airsonett® Air4 är en icke-invasiv medicinsk utrustning för hembehandling baserad på den patenterade tekniken Temperatur-reglerat laminärt luftflöde (TLA). Behandling med Airsonett® Air4 medför drastisk minskning av allergener och andra luftburna partiklar i patientens andningszon under vila och sömn. Airsonett® Air4 rekommenderas av Socialstyrelsen och Barnläkarföreningen samt ingår sedan 2015 i Läkemedelsverkets riktlinjer för astmabehandling. Airsonett® Air4 är en CE-märkt medicinteknisk utrustning, Klass 1, avsedd att användas för lindring av symtom vid allergiska sjukdomar såsom allergisk astma och eksem. Den följer relevanta EU-direktiv gällande utformning, funktion, säkerhet, hälsokrav och har genomgått rigorös klinisk forskning så väl som hälsoekonomiska analyser. Airsonett® Air4 innehar ett 510(k) godkännande, klass II, från FDA. Bolagets huvudägare är SEB Venture Capital, Industrifonden och Magnus Lundberg. För ytterligare information, besök