Presentation of new AIR-4 study at European Respiratory Society congress in Paris Sep 16, 2018
An independent study by Professor C. Wang concludes in the study title “A nocturnal temperature controlled laminar flow device (TLA) maintains good control of severe allergic asthma (SAA) after withdrawal of Omalizumab therapy”. The study was presented at ERS on an Asthma Management session on Sunday 16 September 2018.
“We are naturally very positive to these interesting data and look forward to feedback from the health care society,” says Anders Due-Boje, CEO at Airsonett AB.
Professor C. Wang concludes “Inhalant exposure reduction with TLA maintained a stable control of Severe Allergic Asthma (SAA) after Omalizumab withdrawal” and further states “TLA may be an alternative treatment option for patients with inadequately controlled SAA requiring add-on therapy”.
“These comments made by Professor C. Wang are potentially opening up new treatment opportunities where AIR4 can both help patients and provide a more cost efficient solution for the health care society”, Anders Due-Boje, CEO,
Airsonett AB is a Swedish medical device company which leads the way in the development of non-pharmaceutical treatment for allergic asthma and eczema.The company is mainly active in Europe and currently evaluate other potential markets. The company’s product Airsonett AIR4 is a clinically validated, non-pharmaceutical treatment of allergic asthma and eczema, which reduces allergens and other airborne irritants from the patient’s breathing zone during the nightly sleep.
For more information about the ERS 2018:
Anders Due-Boje, VD, Airsonett AB
Tel: +46 70 526 03 00
Annica Anderberg
Tel: +44 7787 123 556
About Airsonett
Airsonett AIR4 is a drug-free home based treatment option for patients with persistent allergic asthma who remain poorly controlled despite treatment with conventional pharmacological therapy. Airsonett uses the unique, patented Temperature controlled Laminar Airflow technology to significantly reduce allergens and other airborne irritants from the patient’s breathing zone during night.Airsonett AIR4 is a CE marked class 1 intended to be used for the alleviation of symptoms of allergy induced diseases such as allergic asthma. It adheres to relevant EU directives regarding design, function, safety and health requirements and has undergone rigorous clinical research as well as health economy studies. Airsonett AB is a Swedish-owned company. The main share owners are SEB Venture Capital, Industrifonden and Magnus Lundberg. For more information, visit
Scientific references:
Wang C, et al. A nocturnal temperature controlled laminar flow device (TLA) maintains good control of severe allergic asthma (SAA) after withdrawal of Omalizumab therapy. Abstract #10036 presented at the European Respiratory Society (ERS) meeting 2018
Boyle RJ, Pedroletti C, Wickman M, et al. Nocturnal temperature controlled laminar airflow for treating atopic asthma: a randomised controlled trial. Thorax 2012;67:215-221
Brazier P, SchauerU, Hamelmann E, Holmes S, Pritchard C and Warner JO. Economic analysis of temperature-controlled laminar airflow (TLA) for the treatment of patients with severe persistent allergic asthma.BMJ Open Resp Res 2016;3:e000117 doi:10.1136/bmjresp-2015-000117
Gore RB, Boyle RJ, Gore C, et al. Effect of a novel temperature-controlled laminar airflow device on personal breathing zone aeroallergen exposure. Indoor Air 2015;25:3644
Airsonett® är ett svenskt medicintekniskt företag som är ledande inom icke-farmakologisk behandling av patienter med allergisk svår, okontrollerad astma och eksem. Airsonett® Air4 är en icke-invasiv medicinsk utrustning för hembehandling baserad på den patenterade tekniken Temperatur-reglerat laminärt luftflöde (TLA). Behandling med Airsonett® Air4 medför drastisk minskning av allergener och andra luftburna partiklar i patientens andningszon under vila och sömn. Airsonett® Air4 rekommenderas av Socialstyrelsen och Barnläkarföreningen samt ingår sedan 2015 i Läkemedelsverkets riktlinjer för astmabehandling. Airsonett® Air4 är en CE-märkt medicinteknisk utrustning, Klass 1, avsedd att användas för lindring av symtom vid allergiska sjukdomar såsom allergisk astma och eksem. Den följer relevanta EU-direktiv gällande utformning, funktion, säkerhet, hälsokrav och har genomgått rigorös klinisk forskning så väl som hälsoekonomiska analyser. Airsonett® Air4 innehar ett 510(k) godkännande, klass II, från FDA. Bolagets huvudägare är SEB Venture Capital, Industrifonden och Magnus Lundberg. För ytterligare information, besök